LCD Bargraph

LCDbar_INC.bas is an Include file that makes it easy to create BARgraphs on your LCD display.


  • Can be placed anywhere on the screen.
  • Can be any width (whole characters)
  • Can be scaled anywhere between 0 and 32768.
  • Three styles to choose from.* {lines, boxed, blocks}
  • Just 1 Command does it all. (Well, sort of)

If using a 4x20 display, you can use this define to let the program know the addressing is different. * Thanks, CocaColaKid!


Here's an example of a BARgraph that follows an A/D input.

; Initialize your hardware and LCD first.

DEFINE ADC_BITS 8               ' Number of bits in ADCIN result
ADCON1.7 = 1                    ' Right Justify AD result

INCLUDE "LCDbar_INC.bas"        ' Include the BARgraph routines

Value  VAR  WORD                ' Must be a WORD even though AD is 8bit

LCDOUT $FE, 1  ' Clear Screen

    ADCIN  0, Value
    LCDOUT $FE,2,"Value=",DEC Value,"   "
    ; syntax- BARgraph   Value, Row, Col, Width, Range, Style
    @         BARgraph  _Value,   2,   0,    16,   255,  lines
GOTO Loop1

This is just like the previous example except that it places both the Value and the BAR on the same line.

; Initialize your hardware and LCD first.

DEFINE ADC_BITS 8               ' Number of bits in ADCIN result
ADCON1.7 = 1                    ' Right Justify AD result

INCLUDE "LCDbar_INC.bas"        ' Include the BARgraph routines

Value  VAR  WORD                ' Must be a WORD even though AD is 8bit

LCDOUT $FE, 1  ' Clear Screen

    ADCIN  0, Value
    LCDOUT $FE,2,DEC Value," "
    ; syntax- BARgraph   Value, Row, Col, Width, Range, Style
    @         BARgraph  _Value,   1,   4,    12,   255,  lines
GOTO Loop1

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Page last modified on March 05, 2018, at 09:29 PM